
Earth Connection

Herbalism for Re-Connection

We emphasize this a lot in this space, but simply because it is true – Nature is our greatest teacher and so generously offers us wisdom by means of demonstration. We have a wealth of knowledge available just out our door, if we are willing to slow down and listen. Whether we witness a patch […]

Rituals for the New Year

An ancient knowing and longing lives within us all.  We hold the whispers of generations past in our bones, the blood of those who lived before us gently pumps through our veins.  And for so many of us, we feel a call to re-member, and recreate an authentic human existence.  There is a reason we […]

Elemental Herbalism: Water

What would it feel like to truly embody the essence of water – this beautiful giver of life, the source of which we need to thrive? When you close your eyes, and feel water in your body, of which we are are mostly made up, where and how do you feel this element in the […]

Elemental Herbalism: Earth

  And with a deep exhale, the Earth slowly slinks into a deep slumber. We find ourselves feeling heavier, more grounded, and perhaps even tending to inner feelings of burnout; lingering energy from the summer that is now fully passing the baton into autumn. We may feel a desire to move more slowly, or write […]

Elemental Herbalism: Fire & Air

As we pass the threshold of the Midsummer, the revered day that embodies the essence of sacred fire, the day of longest light, we come to deeply witness the intertwining elements of fire and air. In the throws of the late summer, we are experiencing the true peak of the heat. The Sun remains high […]

Metaphors from Nature: The Humble Seed

There are so many lessons that we can learn from a seed sprout. If we truly think about it, there is so much that happens long before the sprout ever comes into being that makes the sprout possible. There is preparation and tending, nurturing and patience, that goes into cultivating the conditions to make germination […]

Gardening and Sacred Relationship with the Land

March is the month in which we celebrate the Spring Equinox, a day in which we yet again experience equal day and equal night. However, in this instance, as opposed to the Autumn Equinox, we feel a building of energy as we dance our way into longer periods of light. From this period forward, the […]

Nature’s Teachings on Abundance

It’s impossible to be lonely when you’re zesting an orange. Scrape the soft rind once And the whole room fills with fruit. Look around: you have more than enough. Always have. You just didn’t notice until now. ~Amy Schmidt  The wheel of the year keeps rolling on, and with it continue the ever-subtle shifts of […]

On Alignment & Gardening

To tend to a garden is truly so much more than a fun hobby – it is a way to intentionally connect with plants and learn about them in their fullest form, and it is such a beautiful way to practice connection and love to the Earth.  A garden teaches us to slow down, and […]

On Nature’s Community: Lessons from Mycelium Networks 

The practice of herbalism often centers on community. It is an art and connection to a very old way of life, and something all of us inherently hold in our blood. It is a practice that often was connected to the sharing of knowledge, the understanding of our interconnectedness with the world around us, and […]