
Blog - Herbalism for Passion and Love

After the quiet hunkering down of January, where we sink into the depth of winter, February has a feeling of a touch of the coziness from the beginning of the season.


Ah, lend me your little ear, love!

Hark! ‘Tis a beautiful thing.

The weariest month of the year, love,

Is shortest and nearest to spring.

~Adeline Whitney


February is the month with a sort of romantic glow, as it’s the month where we celebrate and recognize the gorgeous feeling that is love, in all of its forms. It is a month where we can take some time to celebrate the love we have in our life, including ourselves, those in our community, our partnerships, and far beyond.

The ability to feel love is something that makes us innately human, for we are able to extend emotion beyond ourselves and shower those around us with it, and it is something that is infinite, able to continually grow and be expressed without limit.

The expression of passion and love is witnessed in nature in so many beautiful ways. In the courtship dance between the flowers and the bees, a truly mesmerizing act of intimacy that results in the ability to bear fruit and seeds. We witness the daily dance where the sun gives way to allow the moon to glow, and for the moon to return the favor at dawn so the sun may shine again.

Photo by Onur Binay on Unsplash


Furthermore, we receive gifts that evoke the sensual within us from the plants. The Cacao plant is what gives us the gift of chocolate, a tantalizingly delicious treat that melts on the tongue and warms our soul. Not to mention the herbs that are known for their ability to open our hearts to better welcome in love and intimacy, helping us to break down walls we may have built around them, such as the delicate Hawthorn bloom or the beloved Rose.

We invite you this month to sink into the space of passion and love, and explore the plant allies that awaken this energy within us.


On Nourishing the Sacral Chakra

When we embrace our innate sensuality, this allows us to reclaim the power within us aligned with sacred sexuality. This helps us tap into a primal aspect of ourselves, and the juiciness that comes with expressing passion, whether toward ourselves or a romantic partner. We awaken aspects of ourselves tied to creative expression, freedom from rigidity, and connection with others.

While the Solar Plexus chakra, when in alignment, helps us come into a stronger sense of purpose, understanding our place and role in the world and the gifts we offer, the Sacral Chakra, known in Sanskrit as Svadhishthana, means the “dwelling place of the self.” It is here where we hold our most intimate thoughts, desires, and awareness. Connected to the water element, activation of this chakra allows us to be in a state of fluidity and flow, which can help us on our journey toward self-awakening and enhancing our own vibrant sexual energy.

Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@tekang?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash">德綱 曾</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/photos/silhouette-of-man-kissing-hand-of-woman-15uadDpdo24?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash">Unsplash</a>
Photo by 德綱 曾 on Unsplash


When we experience blocks in our Sacral Chakra, we may feel disconnected from our emotions, or perhaps feel unable to control them for they may be heightened. We may also feel withdrawn from others, or unable to express intimacy for ourselves or others. The Sacral Chakra may also feel blocked as a result of having emotions invalidated by those in our life, or even sexual trauma or repressed sexual energy. Grounding herbal allies such as Ashwagandha, Nettle, or Chamomile can be very supportive plants to work with alongside professional therapy for addressing these situations.

Additionally, to help activate our Sacral Chakra, it is also important to first feel grounded and safe in our bodies. We experience this when our Root Chakra at the base of our spine is in alignment and ensure that our basic needs are met. This means we are well nourished in mind, body, and spirit, we feel safe in our environment, and we have supported the calming of our nervous system. Once we have addressed these needs, that gives us better opportunities to tap into emotions like creativity, intimacy, and passion.


Herbal Aphrodisiacs

The term “aphrodisiac” is derived from the name of the Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. Aphrodite embodied sacred sensuality and sexuality, having stories of taking many lovers, embracing her feminine nature, and was also the mother of Cupid, who has become a very prominent symbolic feature of modern day Valentine’s Day.


Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@sklepacki?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash">Stephanie Klepacki</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/photos/a-statue-of-a-man-with-his-hands-in-the-air-YDRxNA4JFbw?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash">Unsplash</a>
Photo by Stephanie Klepacki on Unsplash


When we think of aphrodisiacs, we often think of them solely in the sense of increasing libido. However, as we explored in a previous post in 2023, we awaken our sacred sensuality by first invoking this energy within ourselves. When we love ourselves thoroughly, we are better able to express love in a meaningful way to others. So as we explore herbal allies that have aphrodisiac properties, we can think of these herbs as supportive for nourishing our sacral chakras, connecting with an energy that is often hidden within ourselves. We can invoke our primal nature, and allow this power to emanate from within out into the world.


Ways to Work with Herbal Aphrodisiacs:

Food Medicine: Many herbal aphrodisiacs can be incorporated into delicious treats that can help us give us a little boost in sensual energy. This includes of course cacao and chocolate, or sprinkling some Maca powder into a delicious smoothie.

Adaptogenic Aphrodisiacs: Herbs such as Ashwagandha, Shatavari, and Rhodiola have long been revered since ancient times as a sort of powerhouse herbs for not only boosting one’s immune system, helping bring a sense of calm in the body, and increasing energy, but also for their aphrodisiac properties.

Herbal Body Oils and Lubricants: Herbs with aphrodisiac properties can be worked with to create natural body oils for use as body oils or in the bedroom as lubrication. Depending on your preference, you may opt for herbs that also double as aromatherapy herbs such as Lavender, Vanilla, or Jasmine. It may also be delicious to work with herbs that have warming properties such as Cinnamon, or if you prefer cooling instead, you may opt for Peppermint! Be sure to use safe carrier oils, and use externally only.

Herbal Teas: You can also incorporate herbal aphrodisiacs into cozy, delicious tea blends and elixirs. Warming herbs such as Ginger, Cardamom, and Cayenne make great activators for any blend, or perhaps even a simple Rose or Hawthorn Flower tea with a little honey can be supportive in expanding the heart space and bringing us into our body.

Electuaries: A fan favorite for incorporating aphrodisiac herbs is through crafting an electuary. This is a delicious way to enjoy herbs as it involves mixing herbal powders into raw honey. Any of the above herbs aforementioned can make for a yummy electuary, but can also be a way to tame some bitter or less flavorful herbs such as Nettle to reap the benefits of this nutritious plant. Once mixed, add a spoonful of the electuary to steamed milk for an absolutely juicy potion!


Sending our beautiful Golden Poppy community some extra love this February. We hope this reading brings some ideas for some additional yumminess this month, and we thank you for all of the love and support this community continues to give to us! We choose you as our valentine every time!



  1. Britannica. “Aphrodite: Greek Mythology.” Britannica. 24 December 2024. Retrieved from: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Aphrodite-Greek-mythology
  2. Jain Ram. “Sacral Chakra: All You Need to Know About the Svadhishthana Chakra.” Arhanta Yoga. 26 August 2020. Retrieved from: https://www.arhantayoga.org/blog/svadhishthana-chakra-all-you-need-to-know-about-the-sacral-chakra/
  3. Golden Poppy Blog Post. “Working with the Root Chakra” https://goldenpoppyherbs.com/working-with-the-root-chakra/
  4. Golden Poppy Blog Post. “Nourishment of the Root” https://goldenpoppyherbs.com/nourishment-of-the-root/
  5. Golden Poppy Blog Post. “Balancing your Chakras” https://goldenpoppyherbs.com/balancing-your-chakras/
  6. Golden Poppy Blog Post. “Working with the Sacral Chakra” https://goldenpoppyherbs.com/working-with-the-sacral-chakra/
  7. Golden Poppy Blog Post. “Scentual And Aromatic Herbs” https://goldenpoppyherbs.com/scentual-and-aromatic-herbs/
  8. Golden Poppy Blog Post. “Herbalism for the Sensual” https://goldenpoppyherbs.com/herbalism-for-the-sensual/
  9. Golden Poppy Blog Post. “Let’s Make Love” https://goldenpoppyherbs.com/lets-make-love/