By: Ashley Noack, CCH
Element: Air—Connection, Ideas, Intellect
Planet: Uranus— Change, Revolution, Invention
Body Parts Ruled: Shins & Ankles
Progressive / Altruistic / Eccentric / Inventive / Rebellious / Visionary
When Aquarius rules the skies, all the traditions and structures laid down by Capricorn are overturned, revolutionized. When we understand the process and setbacks of creating something with integrity and stability, we can let our imagination dream brighter and bolder ideas than we ever thought possible. This is where we meet the water-bearer Aquarius, who pours wisdom for the betterment of mankind over us all.
Aquarius reminds us that we are the change we wish to see in the world. Aquarians are non-conformists to the core. For them, the phrase ‘that’s just the way things are’ is a dangerous falsehood that holds us back from our human potential. Aquarius wants to imagine a world with endless possibilities and arbitrary limits have no place in their utopia.
Unorthodox and original, the work they do in the world also needs to reflect their sense of purpose and desire to be the change they wish to see. Brilliant and a bit mad, they can often seem a little far out, and not quite from this dimension or reality. Extremely outgoing, Aquarius attracts friends from all walks of life, as they don’t discriminate. As a humanitarian, they are honest, kind, truth-seeking, but they can also be somewhat emotionally aloof. More than other signs, it’s easy for Aquarius to compartmentalize feelings and experiences. Aquarius needs freedom, and this can make them detached.
Aquarius wants freedom not just for themselves but for all of humanity. They believe that there is more beyond what we can comprehend in our current experience, so they are ever open to the evolution of the human spirit. Their keen mind awards them an intuitive awareness for the big picture. This bright mind can make Aquarius quite opinionated, and verbally provocative, to say the least. They enjoy finding weaknesses in others’ arguments, and they can appear a bit arrogant in the process. They tend to be very liberal and progressive, allowing others’ their truths, but can also have a very fixed opinion and be a bit obstinate about their point of view. Ultimately, Aquarius believes diverse ideas, people, and experiences really do make the world a better a place and that problems created on one dimension can only be resolved in another. Necessity, after all, is the mother of invention.
Aquarius rules the shins, calves, and ankles symbolizing forward movement and the progressive mentality that the sign also rules. This fact also makes Aquarius prone to varicose veins, sprains, fractures, leg cramping, and even gout. Uranus, Aquarius’ ruling planet, also presides over circulation, so it’s important to keep blood and lymph moving through the body to prevent stagnation and weakness in the tissues that may cause such conditions. Overall, Aquarius demonstrates great vitality and moves with dynamic energy. Because of their deep aversion to convention, they would absolutely feel more comfortable with an alternative rather than an allopathic physician. They’ll be attracted far more to energy medicine, holistic healing, and anything ‘new age.’ As we embrace and validate the efficacy of mind-body medicine, it becomes clearer that we are, indeed, entering the Age of Aquarius.