

Holistic Care for our Hair

While we are at our roots mammals, our hair is something that makes us distinctly human. Our hair is sacred, rooted in the energy of our crown chakra, a part of our bodies that is closest to the Divine, and yet holds the memories our body harbors. Since the dawn of humankind, our ancestors have […]

On Coffee and Herbalism for Energy

Now, before we begin, this is not a post where we begrudge the cozy, delicious, comforting thing that is a good cup of joe. We get it! Coffee can sometimes be that thing that hits just right when you need it most. It can bring us energy, can be shared in good company, helps us […]

Herbalism for the Skin

Did you know that our skin is actually our largest organ on our body? This may seem strange, as we typically consider organs to be those of smooth muscle inside of our bodies in charge of functions. For example, we tend to typically think of our heart, which moves blood around our body, or our […]

Metaphors from Nature: The Humble Seed

There are so many lessons that we can learn from a seed sprout. If we truly think about it, there is so much that happens long before the sprout ever comes into being that makes the sprout possible. There is preparation and tending, nurturing and patience, that goes into cultivating the conditions to make germination […]

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