Risa Hunter, Staff Herbalist & Yoga Instructor
Risa takes time to discover each person’s individual needs and how herbs can support the body, helping to deepen your understanding of how they work together to create a whole.
She has an inspiring presence both on the floor with customers, and in her role as Kitchen Manager where she is consistently committed to improving the quality of our handmade products!
Risa’s spark for healing in body and mind was first ignited through dance, movement, and yoga. She was then called to expand her knowledge in the realm of healing and herbal medicine which led her to study herbs more in depth.
As a mother, with a growing family, Risa enjoys sharing her love for plants and Mother Earth through making herbal goodies with her little one, crafting with herbs, and creative cooking with local and homegrown food.
Over the years Risa has taken on more responsibility at the store, especially in the realm of kitchen management, and herbal product making. She helps formulate, create, and improve many of our recipes, and always comes up with new ways to make our products even better.
Risa brings so much passion into the work she does at the store, with customers on the floor, and in the work she does to improve Golden Poppy’s product line.
Through all of this, she is committed to help bring the use of plant medicine into people’s daily lives by assisting in creating daily self-care rituals with herbs. She enjoys teaching medicine making classes at Golden Poppy, and bringing empowerment to those starting their journey in the herbal world.