
Herbal Business Consulting

Herbal Business Consulting

Are you wanting to start your own herbal related business?

Do you dream of owning your own apothecary? Want to start an herbal clinic? Interested in making and selling your own herbal products?

There is a lot to know before going in to business for yourself; not only do you need to have a clear vision for what you imagine yourself doing and how you want your business to look, you need to think about legal matters, tax matters, marketing matters, websites, social media, branding, labels, GMP’s, inventory, accounting, insurance, shipping….and so much more.

Feeling overwhelmed yet?

That’s ok! It’s normal, but so is looking for help.

As someone who started their business from scratch with very little help or direction (and no formal business training or experience) I can tell you that it’s much easier to get help from those who have gone before you and not try to re-invent the wheel.

When I first got started as an herbalist in my own business there were virtually no resources for me to turn to. My local Small Business Development Center had no clue how to help me, no one really understaood what my business was about since I was the first one to do it! Pulling industry related information was difficult and thus writing a business plan was virtually impossible.

Now that I’ve been in business successfully for over four years I’ve learned a lot about what it means to be an herbalist in business for themselves, and I want to share that with you.

Though many people seem to feel threatened by other herbal product or service businesses opening up around them, I feel the opposite. I truly believe that the more high-quality herbalists and herbal products there are in the world, the better it will be for everyone. I want to encourage you to follow your passions and your dreams of being an herbalist (and getting paid for it!) and I’m here to help you make that happen.

How does consulting work?

There are several ways in which we can work together

  • Hourly consulting – just have a few questions? Schedule a meeting with me for the hourly rate
  • Project Basis
  • Take the courseComing soon! Take a DIY approach to starting your herbal business, get all the info you need from start to finish in this comprehensive online program that includes videos, worksheets, and more.

Thing’s we’ll discuss:

  • What type of business do you want to create
    • Do you want to be an entrepreneur?
  • Company name, registering it with the state, types of organization, home business rules
  • Logos and branding
  • Sales Tax
  • Packaging & Labels
  • Inventory management
  • Ways to sell
    • Online sales
      • Website hosting & creation
      • Other places to sell besides your own website
    • Farmer’s markets & craft fairs
    • Wholesale
    • Retail
    • Clinics
  • Pricing your products and services & Payment
  • Bookeeping & taxes
  • Marketing
    • Blogging
    • Newsletters
    • Social Media
    • Events
    • Networking
  • Financing your adventure
  • And so much more!